Orange Bee Shrimp

The Orange Bee Shrimp is a colorful and fascinating creature that has become increasingly popular among aquarium enthusiasts. With its vibrant orange color and unique shape, this shrimp is sure to catch the eye of anyone who sees it. But what sets the Orange Bee Shrimp apart from other freshwater shrimp species? In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about Orange Bee Shrimp, from their target to their care requirements and personal experiences of enthusiasts.

Pain Points

Keeping freshwater aquariums is a popular hobby, but it can be a challenge when it comes to finding compatible species to include in the same tank. When it comes to Orange Bee Shrimp, finding suitable tank mates that won't prey on them, such as fish or aquatic predators, may take some research and planning. Additionally, keeping their water parameters stable can be challenging and requires attention to detail.


Orange Bee Shrimp is a freshwater invertebrate species that is native to Taiwan. Their diet consists of algae, decaying plant matter, and other organic materials, making them popular cleaners in aquariums. They are generally peaceful and non-aggressive towards other tank mates, making them an excellent addition to any freshwater community aquarium.

Main points

If you're considering adding Orange Bee Shrimp to your aquarium, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it's essential to ensure that you've got a suitable, stress-free environment for your shrimp by monitoring their water parameters and keeping them stable. Additionally, it's a good idea to provide them with plenty of hiding places, such as plants and rocks, as they can be shy and prefer a secure environment. Finally, it's important to be mindful of their tank mates to avoid aggressive or predatory species that might harm them.

Personal Experience

One of the things that drew me to Orange Bee Shrimp was their vibrant color and unique appearance. I started a planted aquarium last year and was looking for a species that could help me maintain the ecosystem. Once the Orange Bee Shrimp had arrived, it was exciting watching them settle into their new home. These shrimps are very active and hardworking, always looking for something to eat, clean, or maintain within the environment. They are relatively easy to care for and add a splash of color to any aquarium.

Care Requirements

If you're planning to bring Orange Bee Shrimp into your aquarium, there are some essential care requirements. First, you'll need to keep their water parameters stable and maintain the right temperature between 72 and 78 °F, and maintain a pH level of 6.5–7.5. They prefer soft water with a general hardness of 6 to 10 dKH. Additionally, it's important to provide them with plenty of hiding places and feed them a diet of algae, plant matter, and other organic materials. Finally, make sure to regularly monitor their water parameters and carry out routine maintenance to ensure a healthy environment.

Feeding Orange Bee Shrimp

Orange Bee Shrimp are primarily scavengers that will graze on any algae or detritus present in the aquarium. You can supplement their diet with sinking shrimp pellets, cucumber or zucchini slices, as well as frozen foods like brine shrimp or bloodworms. Be careful not to overfeed them, and monitor their dietary requirements as the food they eat will impact their growth and overall health.

Breeding Orange Bee Shrimp

If you're interested in breeding Orange Bee Shrimp, there are some specific care requirements to consider. First, you'll need to provide them with a stable environment that mimics their natural habitat, with plenty of hiding spaces. You'll also need to feed them a protein-rich diet, such as brine shrimp or daphnia, to encourage mating behavior. Finally, it's important to separate males and females to avoid aggression and cannibalism, and let the females carry the eggs in their pleopods until they hatch.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I keep Orange Bee Shrimp with fish?

A: Yes, Orange Bee Shrimp are generally peaceful and can be kept with community fish that are not predatory or aggressive towards them.

Q: How long do Orange Bee Shrimp live?

A: Orange Bee Shrimp can live up to about two years in captivity with proper care and diet.

Q: Can Orange Bee Shrimp change colors?

A: Yes, their color can vary depending on the environment and diet they are kept in. Stress and illness can also cause changes in their color intensity.

Q: Can I keep multiple Orange Bee Shrimp together?

A: Yes, Orange Bee Shrimp are social animals and can be kept in groups. However, it's essential to ensure there are enough hiding spaces for all members to avoid fighting or stress.


The Orange Bee Shrimp is a unique and beautiful addition to any freshwater aquarium. These shrimps are hardworking and help maintain the ecosystem by cleaning the tank. However, they require specific care requirements and attention to detail. By providing a stress-free environment, a suitable diet, and monitoring water parameters, you can keep Orange Bee Shrimp healthy and happy in your aquarium. With their bright orange color and active behavior, they are sure to add a splash of color and entertainment to any tank.


Freshwater Shrimp - Rili Orange Shrimp | Arizona Aquatic Gardens

Freshwater Shrimp - Rili Orange Shrimp | Arizona Aquatic Gardens
Photo Credit by: / shrimp freshwater rili aquatic

Premium Orange Bee Shrimp

Premium Orange Bee Shrimp
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Freshwater Inverts – BlueOceanAquaria

Freshwater Inverts – BlueOceanAquaria
Photo Credit by: / shrimp freshwater

Orange Bee Shrimp | Petco

Orange Bee Shrimp | Petco
Photo Credit by: / shrimp bee orange petco

Orange Shrimp - South Africa - McMerwe - Online Store

Orange Shrimp - South Africa - McMerwe - Online Store
Photo Credit by: / mcmerwe